We are happy to announce that Winged IT Sp. z o.o. has launched! Our journey begun on 07.07.2017 – triple 7 brings luck and we plan to hold on to it for the upcoming years!
Winged IT is a new subsidiary of Soflab Group, co-created by Soflab Technology, Soflab Services, and others. The idea of a company focused on outsourcing and IT recruitment emerged a few years ago. Today we can finally push it further, rely on our vast experience, numerous contacts in IT business and energy to create a unique company that brings exceptional professionals together. Our goal is not only to keep up the well-established reputation of Soflab Group, but also to strengthen its position among our clients and employees.
We are ready, motivated and hungry for success!
Every single person in our team is a true passionate that believes in professionalism and fair play. We’d like to express how grateful we are to all our friends for their support – we’ll do our best to achieve great results and make you proud. This journey will be special for us and our fellow coworkers that will join us along the way!